Art Gallery

E-Commerce Website that displays purchasable downloadable art.

Client: N/A

Date: 09/12/2024

Designer: Ian Castillo

Tools: WIX.com

Age Calculator

A simple website that calculates your age, dedicated to showcasing some of the skills I possess in the languages below.

Client: N/A

Date: 09/03/2024

Designer: Ian Castillo

Tools: HTML5 | JavaScript | AWS | CSS | Bootstrap

E-Commerece Website

A simplistic yet responsive e-commerce website, dedicated to showcasing some of the skills I possess in the languages below.

Client: N/A

Date: 04/15/2024

Designer: Ian Castillo

Tools: HTML5 | SCSS | Bootstrap

Outdoor Hiking Info Website

A responsive outdoor hiking information site that displays information on different national parks and mountains, dedicated to showcasing some JavaScript skills I possess.

Client: N/A

Date: 05/24/2024

Designer: Ian Castillo

Tools: HTML5 | SCSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript